A new era is coming... Sign up to be notified when we re-open the doors to the #1 program for Showit Designers!

Exciting Updates Coming!








Doors close August 28 at 11:59pm for the biggest update in 4 years ✨ Now is your last chance to join before doors close and get early access to new lessons with Q&A sessions and a live guest training!

but freedom still feels so far from reach. You find yourself sitting on the sidelines watching other designers sell templates on auto-pilot, wondering how to make it work for YOU.

You started your business to escape  the chains of a boring 9-5

But here's the PROBLEM...

You’re tired of sorting through free advice or programs that promise but dont deliver.

Your income is limited by your availability and time to take on endless projects.

You’re stuck on the hamster wheel of one-to-one services and you’re exhausted.

This is the ONLY course I've completed. And I keep going back to review the material. Not to mention the level of personal support I receive even beyond the course material is seriously mind-blowing."

If you're NOT in this program as a website designer and you want to scale your business, you're taking the looooong, slow road.

Kelli, Square Peg Studio

Oh HEY! We’re Sam & Rachel, the two Moms behind NORTHFOLK



10+ Years

Selling Templates


Templates Sold!

Over 150

Designers inside RR


We’re one of Showit’s top design partners, trusted by the best in the industry and creators of Northfolk® and Revolving Revenue®. 

If you have had the pleasure of interacting with us, you’ll KNOW, like you, we’re passionate about not being slaves to our business. 

We want the freedom to take days off, go on vacations with our kids, or simply kick back to (re)watch Harry Potter. (Just us? Nope, didn't think so.)

True freedom! From deadlines, deliverables, dealing with clients! Both of us place a premium on living our lives, unchained by the laptop, free of social media!

The truth is this:

For way too long, designers have been sold the dream of being booked solid. A “dream” where custom client projects crowd your Clickup and your waitlist looks like a Soho nightclub on a Friday night.

In reality… Nothing about this “booked out” scenario is either fun nor enjoyable.

Because when you’re juggling deadlines and deliverables endlessly… guess what? You are going to get exhausted and inevitably burned out.

This design business that you started because you didn’t want a 9 to 5 or because you wanted more freedom in your life quickly morphs into your worst. Boss. Ever. Yes, the “booked out” narrative is great for the ‘gram but not so good for real life. It’s not a dream to be constantly working on custom projects. It’s a nightmare! #wesaidit

Created ONCE and sold over, and over and over again...

So Sam + Rachel, what's the alternative?

What if instead of  late nights with the stressful client projects...

Now, here's a peek at
what templates have done for OUR BUSINESS

Now, here's a peek at what templates have done for OUR BUSINESS

This is about helping you see the profit potential with passive income products

This is about showing you a shortcut to designing and selling templates. Templates that fly off the digital shelves instead of sitting in an online shop, feeling oh-so-lonely and overlooked. 

This is about giving you THE only tool you need so you can go ahead and create this freedom for your life. 

CAVEAT: No, this isn't a "you'll make a million bucks" sales spiel. Gross! 


The COMPLETE Start-To-Finish Course for Showit Designers to Help BUILD + LAUNCH Their Own Automated Template Shop!

Minus the mega-overwhelm, multiple missing pieces, and money-left-on-the-table situations!

INTRODUCING: Revolving Revenue

Whether you’re currently struggling to build your shop or you're brand-new to the world of templates

Revolving Revenue is the ONLY program of its kind where two wildly talented Showit Design Partners (hey, that’ll be us! #humblebrag), with over TEN YEARS of experience, take you by your socially distanced elbow and lead you behind-the-scenes of their own templates shop. 

You're in the right place!

You're in the right place!

You're in the right place!

You're in the right place!

You're in the right place!

Get to know Sam + Rachel, your business building coaches!

Know how to navigate our course portal. 

Snag your Revolving Revenue outline with everything it takes to build your automated shop!

Bonus: Mindset for Designers

By the end of this "Let's Get Acquainted" module, you will:

Welcome to Revolving Revenue for Showit Designers

program introduction

What you’re designing and for whom. No more worrying you’ll be lost in the crowd!

Your value ladder and your offer suite. We’re talkin’ tripwires, upsells, downsells, oh my! 

Product pricing and profit planning. Fly first-class, baby, not by the seat of your pants!!

Asset: Income Reports

When you finish this module, you will have complete clarity on:

Market Research & Development

Module 1

Can build an audience even if you’re starting from scratch. 

Have systems in place to start attracting your take-my-money-now template customers. 

Don’t need to spend every second on social to sell templates.

Asset: Lead Magnet Swipe Files & Templates

You’ll walk away from this module with the confidence that you:

Optimizing Leads

Module 2

You’re brand-new to template designing and want to do it right. 

You’ve designed templates already but you’re curious about our process. 

You’d like more insight into designing for resale.

Asset: Designer Base Kit for Template Building

This module is packed full of our designs secrets and perfect for you if:

Template Creation & Design Process

Module 3

Our DFY templates for your sales pages, shop pages, single listings, and more! 

Everything you need to set up your email system and file delivery system. 

Step-by-step guidance on setting up your cart system, Showit Shop pages, and INTEGRATING it all into your website.

Asset: Done-for-you Template Shop, Single Listings, Opt In Templates plus many more!

This module is packed full of our designs secrets and perfect for you if:

Building Your Base Systems

Module 4

Insight into how all the base pieces come into play. 

Our repeatable launch plan, complete with our launch SOP in Clickup. Customize, rinse-and-repeat, baby! 

Your first (or next!) product ready and the systems built to sell it successfully. Time to list that template and kick the passive income party off!

Asset: ThriveCart templates and hyper specific tutorials for abandoned cart emails

High-fives all around!! At the end of this module, you’ll have:

Our Rinse + Repeat Method

Module 5

Strategic insights into priming your audience so they want to buy from you. 

A do-this-next-style Launch Calendar so you know exactly when to share new templates. 

Tried-and-true techniques for running beta tests for your templates.

Asset: Rinse & Repeat Launch Calendar

An *optional-but-awesome*module that’ll give you:

Launch Planning

Module 6

Every module is accompanied by relevant resources, including templates, checklists, cheat sheets, and MORE. 

Critiques and feedback! Submit your work to the RR team for personalized action steps.

Feedback, support + critiques

Lifetime access to our core curriculum AND the community with over 150 designers!

Lifetime core curriculum access

Exclusive marketing trainings and guest speakers inside the community.

Expert trainings + challenges

Community App to help you stay focused on learning without the noise of social media.

Private RR Community App

Done for you templates, swipe files, checklists, guides and more!

Downloadable templates

The 7 module program includes over 40 pre-recorded, action taking lessons.

6 hyper focused video modules

Revolving Revenue Includes:

The Revolving Revenue COMMUNITY APP

This not-on-Facebook community will quickly become your fave place to chill, learn and grow with fellow Showit designers.  We will  cover things like: 

I LOVE how the whole program is in ONE PLACE, so I don't have to switch back and forth between platforms.

Plus, you get lifetime access to

You’ll be right at home. With us. 

facebook style activity feed

Monthly group Q+A calls & coffee chats

LIVE guest speakers and replays

high touch support

exclusive guest trainings

Because we are KNOWN for overdelivering...

You get Build-It-Better Assets to get your work done in half the time!

Celebrate Module 1 by snagging our Showit Income Report to see exactly HOW MUCH other designers are making off template sales!!

Income Reports


The exclusive Business Dashboard so you can calculate your business salary, cost of doing business expenses and calculator. Get a birds-eye-view to see how these all work together so you know how to price your services and products for profit.

The Revolving Revenue Business Dashboard


Say goodbye to staring at a completely blank canvas. You get our Designer Base Kit for starting your template and getting our outlines for WHAT to put in your template!

Designer Base Kit for Building Templates

Stay organized during your build and launch process with the very SOP's we've built inside ClickUp to keep our own business running on rinse and repeat!

ClickUp & Google Build and Launch Checklists


Launch haters unite! Grab the calendar we use in our own business to make launching just a little less painful!  

Our Rinse & Repeat Launch Calendar


This was by far our Founding Members FAVORITE asset! Get a beautiful, high converting shop online FAST with our done for you shop  kit!

Done For You Website & Shop Templates

Angela Mondloch of Saffron Avenue

Semi-Custom Brands

Rachel Rouhana of Haute Stock

Image Curation

Cali Waege of The Halcyon Hive

Pinterest Marketing

Lauren Kutschke of Salted Pages

SEO for Showit Designers

Rachel Thatcher of Northfolk & RR

Filterable Shop with FacetWP

Ingrid Urena of
Penguin Designing

WooCommerce Basics

Britney Jeanine of Pivot to Launch

Content Strategy

Jenna Johnson of White + Salt

Design Intensives

Samantha Culp of Northfolk & RR

Black Friday Sales

Jana Bishop of Jana Bishop

Facebook Ads

Morgan Moore of Studio Moorgan

Recording Showit Training Videos

Lauren deVane of The Bemused Studio

AI for Designers

For Designers, By Designers

Get the Designer Toolkit when you choose the PRO plan

Build next-level-templates in half the time with the Showit Canvas Kit and Canvas Shortcuts

The Showit Canvas Kit is designed for Showit designers, offering a collection of over 420 commercial-use canvases to aid in personal, custom client, and template building projects for resale. A tool for enhancing productivity, allowing designers to save time and scale their offerings by providing pre-built canvases, interactive elements, and easy-to-edit features for end users.

The Original Showit Canvas Kit

create compelling templates

These are advanced trainings to take your templates to the NEXT. LEVEL. Not only do we provide the "how to" so you can provide support to your buyers, but we give done-for-you templates to save time as well!

Showit Canvas Shortcuts


Kelli Preston


Kari DaSilva


Marlinde Eissens


Courtney Prejean

We don't just *think* we have the BEST program for Showit Designers, we have the receipts to back it up! But don't just take our word for it, here's what our alum have to say....

We've been selling templates
for OVER 10 years and teaching other designers since 2020!

Join now and start building your automated template shop!

Your life's about to change...

Revolving Revenue

*in house payment financing

Revolving Revenue PRO

*in house payment financing

RR Course, Guides & Workbooks

Business Dashboard

Rinse & Repeat Systems & Checklists

Done For You Showit & Canva Templates

Showit Canvas Kit with Commercial License

Canvas Shortcuts with Advanced CSS Trainings 

Course Core Curriculum

Designer Toolkit

Exclusive Designer Community

Live Group Calls

Guest Expert Trainings + Replays

Personalized Critiques & Feedback

Community Access





RR Course, Guides & Workbooks

Business Dashboard

Rinse & Repeat Systems & Checklists

Done For You Showit & Canva Templates

Course Core Curriculum

Exclusive Designer Community

Live Group Calls

Guest Expert Trainings + Replays

Personalized Critiques & Feedback

Community Access

Split Pay

Revolving Revenue

*available third party financing options at checkout

Revolving Revenue PRO

*available third party financing options at checkout

RR Course, Guides & Workbooks

Business Dashboard

Rinse & Repeat Systems & Checklists

Done For You Showit & Canva Templates

Showit Canvas Kit with Commercial License

Canvas Shortcuts with Advanced CSS Trainings 

Your choice of a Northfolk template for personal use!

Course Core Curriculum

Designer Toolkit

Exclusive Designer Community

Live Group Calls

Guest Expert Trainings + Replays

Personalized Critiques & Feedback

Community Access



RR Course, Guides & Workbooks

Business Dashboard

Rinse & Repeat Systems & Checklists

Done For You Showit & Canva Templates

Course Core Curriculum

Exclusive Designer Community

Live Group Calls

Guest Expert Trainings + Replays

Personalized Critiques & Feedback

Community Access

Pay In Full

Get 2 of Our Most Popular Lessons FREE!  No Card, No Risk!

Do you want to take Revolving Revenue for a test drive?

No credit card required

We're so confident that you'll LOVE our program that we're giving you TWO (2) of our student favorite lessons absolutely FREE plus OUR favorite, Designer Mindset Bonus lesson! Take a deep dive into sourcing assets for your templates! 

👀 This is a great way to see first hand, how we teach our lessons! 

risk trial

get 2 lessons absolutely free

View a Selection of Our Alumni Showcase

Studio Designs

Digital Grace Design

Jennifer Carfora Designs

Lennox Creative

Monica Francis Design

Franklin & Willow

Revel West Studio

Vanilla + Oak

Meteor Street Studio

Femme Collective Studio

Tori Aaker

Intentionally Designed

Studio Designs

Digital Grace Design

Jennifer Carfora Designs

Lennox Creative

Monica Francis Design

Franklin & Willow

Revel West Studio

Vanilla + Oak

Meteor Street Studio

Femme Collective Studio

Tori Aaker

Intentionally Designed

Studio Designs

Digital Grace Design

Jennifer Carfora Designs

Lennox Creative

Monica Francis Design

Franklin & Willow

Revel West Studio

Vanilla + Oak

Meteor Street Studio

Femme Collective Studio

Tori Aaker

Intentionally Designed

A Selection of Our Alumni Showcase

You’re successfully selling digital products on autopilot

You enjoy spending all of your time on 1:1 client work

You want it done for you

You're not a brand or web designer

Probably NOT for you if:

You hit an income plateau and want to scale higher without hiring, training and managing someone else

The idea of integrations and tech for an online shop is overwhelming

You’re done trading your time for income

You want to pivot your service-based design business to digital products

This program IS for you if:

Well what are you waiting for? Let's do it!

No worries, we'll be here when you're ready!

Revolving Revenue is for you if
you’re a Showit Designer who wants to create FREEDOM & FLEXIBILITY while getting a front-row seat to
how we run OUR SHOP. 

here's what that looks like...

Whether you’re currently struggling to build your shop or you're brand-new to the world of templates... you're in the right place!

The Reviews
Are In!

We still can't promise you a million bucks, but we are about helping you see the profit potential with products that generate "revolving revenue"!

Let's plug + play with some numbers!

You've seen what templates did for OUR business, but what could it like for YOUR business?

Frequently Asked Questions


I’m brand-new to Showit. Is it too early for me to think about templates?

Umm… you mean is it too early for you to think about creating passive income systems in your business? Nooo! 

As long as you know the basics of Showit and are excited to add an additional revenue stream, you’re more than welcome to join us. 

In fact, Janet who joined us in the first round was a newer user, and here’s what she had to say, “Thank you for including more of your Showit behind-the-scenes processes and tips. I’m a newer user on the platform so I am very thankful for the insight and training here.”


I’ve created Showit templates in the past but they’ve never sold. How do I know this will be different?

First up, it breaks our heart when we hear designers say that👆🏼 because more often than not, there's an easy fix. 

Your Revolving Revenue experience will give you insights into everything you need in place, so there aren’t any missing pieces that put a stop to sales! 

Here’s what veteran Showit designer Caryssa O’Connell said, “I want to also tell you that even though I had some templates made and selling before this, I DEFINITELY don’t feel like I’m too advanced for this by ANY MEANS. I truly feel like I’m getting something out of each and every thing included.”


I’m a WordPress website designer who mainly uses Divi. Can this help me?

About 85% of RR will be beneficial and 15% will not. The overall strategy that we cover in RR is pretty universal, but some of the most valuable assets of the program are built on Showit.  

With that said, getting a detailed inside look at how a successful template shop runs (regardless of platform) can be invaluable. 


I don’t know much about website design? Is this right for me?

Since you're here, we're guessing that you're at least interested in web design?

RR was originally built to teach selling digital products, so much of the content would apply to ANY digital product. As we enrolled Showit designers, we decided to niche down and pull in more topics unique to web designers. 

For right now, I would say that an interest in web design is a must. Even better if you have an interest in web design AND passive income (via template sales). 


I don’t have a lot of Facebook or Instagram followers. Will I struggle to sell my templates?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Sorry for the yelling but we’re social media-averse and you’d hardly find us jumping on trends like TikTok or Reels. 

While RR focuses on building your automated template selling system, and NOT marketing, in the RR Community, we hire marketing pros to teach us systems and processes to sell templates without needing thousands (or even, hundreds!) of social media followers.


I’m worried Showit is only for photographers and I’d be leaving out other industries if I offer these templates. Is that true?

Showit may have started out serving photographers, but the community has grown leaps and bounds!!  

Less than 1/2 of our template sales are photographers!! 

Our customer base consists of photographers AND designers, event planners, coaches, influencers, educators, fitness experts, construction companies, florists, real estate agents and MORE!


What if I just want the Showit Canvas Kit?

Unfortunately the Showit Canvas Kit, Canvas Shortcuts and all other assets are part of the Revolving Revenue program and cannot be sold separately. 

But rest assured, nearly ALL our members will scream from the rooftops that our assets are worth the entire program!


Will you teach me how to design inside Showit?

While we have an entire module that focuses on designing for resale, RR assumes that you have an existing knowledge of Showit and website design. 

While Showit has an incredible learning center full of training articles HERE, we also recommend ShowitAll by Rebel & Rise for beginners. 


Can I get a refund if I decide this program isn't a good fit?

Due to the permanent nature of our instant digital file delivery, we are unable to offer refunds at this time. We take every step we can with free content and even pulling lessons from our program so you can get a good idea of our teaching style and quality of content.


I have more questions. Can I chat with you before I join?

Sure thing! Shoot us an email at info@revolvingrevenue.com. We’ll get back to you in 24-48 hours (though usually MUCH faster).

learn more about each plan

or maybe you want to read it again?

Well hey there!

Did you happen to super scroll to the bottom?

No worries! Want the TL:DR version? The COMPLETE start-to-finish program to help Showit DESIGNERS build and launch an automated product shop with killer assets and even better company! Sound like your cup of tea? 👇🏻

Split Pay

Pay In Full

Get your two free lessons on the house, no card needed!

You'll be added to our email list but you can opt out at any time.

Sign up to be notified when we re-open the doors to the #1 program for Showit Designers!